I need crap
I mean stuff, send me your stuff. Junk. Trash. Whatever you do, don't send me crap.
Here's the deal: as a web designer, I spend 50% of every working day tweaking numbers so that things line up just.... right. Which means, when I dabble in arts on my own time, I want something I can slap glue on and stick to a wall.
And I need junk to do this.
I call my art "mixed media," because "collage" makes me sound like a 14-year-old girl with a can of mucilage and a copy of Vogue. Basically, mixed media means I do whatever unholy shit I want to a canvas, as long as I stick it in a frame afterwards.
It was all fun and games, of course, until someone offered me $700 for a piece that took me 30 minutes to create. Now, I'm thinking it might be worth the time to continue.
So... I need junk, and better junk than I have around here. European junk, for example, is great. By junk I mean flat junk - bits of posters, flyers that have been left out in the rain, neat leaves, old photographs, bits of sheet music, pages of old books - any little scrap of paper-ish material that is rare or unique in any way.
Torn scraps are great.
If you've got any such nonsense, don't throw it a way! Help a guy out, and let me know that you've got it, and what it is. I'll send you a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and you can mail it to me.
If I had only known this two days ago. I have spent this week cleaning out my "junk" room, and there were lots of papery things in there I tossed. I'll see what's left that I am willing to part with and send it your way. Congrats on the $700 deal, too. That's excellent!
ermmm... I've got some expired bank cards, used facial oil blotters, and loads of rubber bands.
Let me know if you want any of those!
Oh, well done on the $700 deal!!
If I'm not mistaken, Lyn, you're my european blogger buddy, which means it is your responsibility to send me the cool stuff.
Y'know bits of posters, wine labels, cheese wheel wrappers, or whatever else you Europe folks have. As any American will tell you, it doesn't matter what it is: if it's from Europe, it's sophisticated.
Hell, I can get my own facial blotters.
Wait, I take that back. Heh... I don't have facial blotters. I'm an alpha-male. I meant... uh, beer tabs. Yeah.
I just noticed that I mentioned my profession in my blog posting, and I felt the need to explain...
the default blogger template.
I know what you probably thought, if you gave a shit at all, which is unlikely: "A web designer? Then what's this template shit? Why didn't he design something?"
Well, look. I work 40 hours a week, redesigning two websites and an intranet. Then I work another 10 or so freelance. The last thing I want to look at in my leisure time is more f-ing code.
Thus endeth the lesson.
Ermmm... I've got some random european postcards, wine corks, beer cans etc.......
Hold on, let me look around my room.... its in a bit of a hurricane state over here!
Oh, I think you'll love London tube maps!!! I'll save some for you.
Alpha male? hahaah, I will still send you facial blotters anyway... its an European sophistication.....
Really? Friggin' sweet. I'd really appreciate some of that stuff. Euro-junk rocks!
Seriously, though, my email address is in my profile if you'd be willing to contact me to have me mail you a postage-paid big padded envelope or tube or something.
I have a small table cow that shits out chocolate candy.
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