Tsunami Relief
I'm not very fond of actively promoting social awareness, so believe me when I say that this hurts me more than it hurts you.
But seriously. Donate something. Ten bucks. Five. Something. My aversion to Sally Struthers aside, the cost of a Big Mac could seriously provide some Sudanese kid with enough penicillin to kill a life-threatening wound infection.
That issue of Barely Legal you were planning on buying later (or maybe Grandmother's Milk, for all I know, you hypothetical pervert) could be a meal to three starving, newly homeless families somewhere in Indonesia.
It's easy to let the news reports and publicized body counts morph into abstract numbers in our head. Over 100,000 dead? We can't even visualize those kinds of numbers. But while we can snap off CNN when the reality gets a bit gritty for us, the tsunami victim's can't. That's their life.
So help them out a little. Please.
I figured this would be the kind of post to spawn uncomfortable silence.
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